We'll help you get quality, affordable health insurance.

  • We’ll recommend the best health plan for your needs

  • We’ll make sure you get the lowest possible price

  • We’ll help you enroll and support you all year round

Your residence ZIP code determines the plans available to you

Oscar is a partner of HealthCare.gov

We'll find the best plan for you in 10 minutes or less.

We have all the same plans as HealthCare.gov and your state marketplace, and we’ll recommended plans based on your preferred doctors, prescriptions, and medical needs.

We'll make sure you get the lowest price possible.

Oscar gets you the lowest health insurance plan prices anywhere. 4 out of 5 customers find plans costing less than $10/month.

We'll help you now and all year round, for free.

Our award-winning customer support team is ready to help you get enrolled, put your plan to work, and answer any questions you have.

Let's find the right health insurance plan for you, at the lowest possible price.